Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 44
Hope everyone had a good week! Sorry about pushing this update — it was a very long day yesterday, and a real struggle to finish some content for my classes today but it was totally worth it. Ever since my curriculum supervisor observed my class back in September, she’s been bending over backwards to get me a lot of physical materials for the students. First it was TWO sets of class novels, and then she emailed me a few nights ago — I’m getting ANOTHER double of set novels AND without even asking, she renewed my textbook materials AND ordered curriculum for French 3 so I can get a head start. Just a really great week and I’m so excited to start creating! It’s amazing to have a district so eager to take the computers out of the students’ hands and do more writing.
In more relevant news, we are drawing Chain Reaction to a close. Right now, if I don’t miss any more updates, I’ll be ending it on Tuesday, November 25. There are three updates left! I’ve been thinking about what’s next and how to organize my schedule and I think I’ve got some good ideas. The Tues/Thurs mostly seems to work, and the 7PM writing hour is mostly set (we’ll move back to 6 when baseball starts, lol).
I really want to delve into Masquerade and flesh it out, and I’m finding 60 minutes to be a little restrictive. So I’m moving that to weekends — probably Fri/Sat nights, posting at 8PM depending on schedules — and I’ll write for 90 minutes. That will be a weekly update alternating with Tues/Thurs updates of a second series. I already have the plot set up for the next one — for current GH! I’ve got some ideas percolating on a Liason reunion, and I expect to post that during my Thanksgiving break.
I’ll see you guys back tomorrow with our first 90 minute Masquerade update! We’ll have to call that something other than Flash, lol.
It’s wonderful that you got so many needed materials for your classes. I know you must be excited.