Update Link: Scars – Part 21
Oof, two days back and I am exhausted! And a bit frazzled — most of our supplies didn’t get delivered, so my classroom isn’t set up yet. And for some reason, it’s my job as an advisory teacher to track down locks and find enough lockers in my hallway to assign to my kids. (Why this isn’t something that just gets assigned for us, but whatevs), and dealing with the existential fear that my copies might not be made because our district makes us give the copies to a separate person, and they haven’t hired anyone for it yet (apparently, it’s a union thing, we can’t do our own copying, it is the DUMBEST thing I have ever heard in my whole damn life). I feel like I ran around all day and got nothing done.
Anyway! We’re kicking off our new Flash Fiction fall schedule. I haven’t done a Friday flash fiction in years, so let’s see if we can manage it. I usually drag myself into Fridays. I’ll be back tomorrow morning with The Last Time, and then Scars gets updated again on Sunday morning.
I have to update the Recent Updates page, which I promise I will do at some point.
Thanks for all the votes in the poll so far! I’m pretty convinced which project I’m going to work on, but I want to think about it a bit more before I pick it. See you tomorrow!
I feel you. The beginning of the school year is so stressful especially if you don’t have all of your supplies. We always had to make our own copies but finding paper was the struggle or a working copier. Somehow, I became the copier person, I still don’t know how that happened. I became an expert on finding paper jams. Lol. I hope it goes better next week and that you get your supplies and copies.