Update Link: Scars – Part 3
Hey! Apologies for the slight hiatus last week. It certainly wasn’t planned, but the week got away from me and the lack of sleep was really starting to wear on me. I slept pretty well over the weekend, but then last night — ugh. Still, I’m hopeful. I also have to remember that I tend to drag in the morning if I don’t get up and start moving. I’m not much of a morning person, but the career I chose forces me to be one, LOL, so the summer is always a strange adjustment. I got up early this morning, went grocery shopping, and tried to get my blood moving. Still dragging a bit, but we’ll see how I feel in a few hours.
I’ve been soundtracking Mad World, and one of the fun things about sound tracking is you start really thinking about the emotional beats and the pacing of the story. Rereading what I planned back in December has me really excited. I worked on soundtracking yesterday, and today, I’m going to kick off writing. If you’re interested, here’s the Spotify Playlist so far:
I’ll be back tomorrow with Signs of Life, and then on Friday with the next part of Scars.
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