Update Link: Invisible Strings – Part 16
Hope everyone had a great weekend 🙂 I’m looking forward to this week — we have our last big break of the year, starting Friday. I wish our breaks were a full week like literally everyone else in the district, but I’ll take anything at this point. We’re only off Friday, Monday, and Tuesday, but it’s better than nothing.
I’m finally hitting the good stride in FMT where I can write an entire chapter in one sitting — takes about three hours, but I can finish it. The big problem is, of course, finding those three hours during the week. Really hoping that the kids stop mentally torturing me so I don’t feel like disassociating as soon as I get home, LOL.
Oh, I was just informed that Mad World Book 1’s ebook is missing chapters. I’m going to put that on the list of things to fix and take care of that.
See you guys next weeked 🙂
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