I was really disappointed in the GH anniversary episode. The flashbacks were nice, but they didn’t feel all that connected to what was happening on the screen. It felt like random people put in the room. Also, Elizabeth didn’t get nearly the kind of prominence a character like her deserves. So I rewrote the episode, and yeah, it’s heavy on Elizabeth and Jason. That’s who I am as a writer, and it’s also where I think they should be. They’re two hugely popular legacy characters with a deep history and connections to basically everyone on the show. They’ve also barely shared any screen time in the six months Steve has been back.
So this doesn’t use all the vets the show did, but I still tried to do the same stories. Writing Mike’s scenes was hard. My grandmother is dealing with dementia, so I wrote his conversations to mirror the way my grandmother slips in and out. And the regret and worry I feel for me and family. I hope you like this.
I agree it was a disappointment
I enjoyed this, except that I can’t imagine why Monica would believe Michael was going to be the best of them. I’ll give her that he’s on his way to being the most boring Quartermaine who ever walked the face of the earth, but boring is not the same as best. The jury is still out on who is the best Q, but I would rank Ned and SC’s Dillon above Michael. There are some young contenders who could best Michael, like Jake. I doubt Sam could raise a box turtle, but we don’t know how her kids will turn out.
I loved that Luke’s got recreated for this. Mike doesn’t come to mind when I think of Luke’s bartenders; that would be Clyde. Poor Clyde; Luke took out some of his worst craziness on that guy.
As far as Luke’s decor, what I loved was all of that Moroccan tile; it always reminded me of something out of Casablanca.
I forgot to say I thought you did a good job writing Mike fading in and out of reality. A friend recently died who had long since lost the ability to remember anything of who he had been. It was very painful to watch.
I’m sorry about your grandmother. That can’t ever be easy for any of you.