Graveyard Monday and Some More Housekeeping

bestthingFirst things first: I know The Best Thing is a bit late. I’m waiting on Chapter 17 to come back from Cora, and it’s been a crazy couple of weeks for everyone involved. I like having a buffer zone between what I’m posting and what I’ve written — and I completely eliminated that in December, so I’m working hard to get ahead of myself again. At the moment, there are four chapters that I’ve written and haven’t posted. I hope to double that this week which puts us in a good position. I’ve mostly decided how to end the story — but I’m contemplating a sequel. I still have to do some thinking on that, so we’ll see.

On to the Fiction Graveyard updates 🙂 Next week, I’ll be posting the last chapters of True To Your Heart and Mad fictionWorld, so I’ll be posting a few shorter stories for a couple of weeks rather than the longer ones. I still have about nine stories to post, two of which are ten chapters or more, so Fiction Graveyard is still going to be with us into the spring.

Since I’ll be finishing the repost of the first version of Mad World, I’ll also post the outline for how I would have finished that version and talk a bit more about why I didn’t continue that version. I know plenty of you like that story, and that’s fine. I may try to finish it up one day, but I hates it a lot. True To Your Heart had no such planned outline, so I have no idea how I would have ended that, so once I post the twelfth chapter next week, that’s all she wrote on that.

As for housekeeping: I’m working on a system that would speed up the creation of ebooks for my backlist, as well as creating collections of my short story and novellas in ebook form. But in order to best serve you guys, I was hoping you might respond to this post with following information.

1. Have you downloaded any of the ebooks on the site? If not, why?

2. Which format do you find most useful? Is there another format I could utilize?

3. Would you be interested more specific instructions for using Calibre to put the ebooks on your ereader?

I’d appreciate any feedback 🙂

sitenewsThat being said, would you guys kill me if I thought about rewriting I Shall Believe? I know, I know, I swore I wouldn’t. But I was contemplating why I’m struggling with writing a sequel so much and I think it’s either two reasons: 1. I don’t think it actually needs a sequel and therefore, there’s no point, or 2. We’re dealing with a Burn in Heaven situation where I couldn’t write the sequel because I didn’t like the way I had written the first story. I don’t know. I might be overthinking it.

I have issues. This is not news.

And before I go and leave you alone, I’m working on a short story set in my All I Want for Christmas universe for Valentine’s Day, but I make no promises 🙂

Your Graveyard Additions
Mad World: Chapters 16-18
Shadows: Chapters 4-6
True To Your Heart: Chapters 8-10


  • I have downloaded one of your e-books to my tablet(Surface Pro 3)but haven’t had a chance to read it yet. I hope to dl more when I can find a few minutes to sit down! lol. I also dl’d the Nook app to my SP3; I hope this will work in reading your books. I’ll let you know as soon as I can.

    According to Carla on January 19, 2015
  • I have downloaded All I Want for Christmas and A Few Words so far. I used the epub format for my iPad. I will probably use the PDF versions for my laptop. I really like having the option to download the books for times when I don’t have internet. Thank you for all your wonderful stories.

    According to Beth on January 20, 2015
  • I have dowloaded everything you have made available. I use the epub format, which works well for me. Love it. I wish everyone offered this option.

    I don’t have an ereader/Kindle or tablet. I have the kindle app on my laptop and also have epub installed. I download books from the Nashville Public Library all the time.

    According to Karen Jones on January 23, 2015
  • I’ve downloaded the three available e-books to my Kindle via mobi; it’s worked well with no problems and I’ve enjoyed reading them there. I could also see the advantage of having them available in pdf format.

    Thanks for doing this extra work to make our reading easier.

    According to Jane on January 25, 2015