And that might be the weirdest title I’ve ever written for this site. Ha. So I finally finished gathering all the Graveyard stories into one Scrivener project for easy editing and posting. I plan to post a bunch of it on Mondays — smaller stories with fewer chapters and then some chapters from some of the longer abandoned stories.
For this week, we have both previous versions of Burn in Heaven. The first version is a prologue and four chapters, the second version is one completed prologue and a partial chapter one that cuts off halfway through a scene, haha. I talked a bit on each page about I stopped writing each version — the first, because I didn’t really like the way I had set it up, and the second became defunct once I rewrote Poisonous Dreams #2.
I also posted all of Secrets Kept, which is a prologue and three chapters. I allowed Cheri (romantic at heart) to continue writing this story, and if my memory serves me, Cheri wrote at least twenty chapters to this. I don’t know what happened to her board or any of her stories. I didn’t locate it in the old Liason Underground. If anyone knows if her version survives, please let me know! I’d love to post a link for you guys to continue reading.
I have several long stories that were rewritten halfway through the first version, including Aurora Dawning, Mad World, Tangle, Shadows, Poisonous Dreams #1, etc. So I’ll post a few chapters from each of those once a week until completed. None of the first versions of these stories were completed (the only completed story in the Fiction Graveyard section is Poisonous Dreams #2), but some have already been rewritten and others are on the schedule for next year. I do, however, have the rest of the outlines for those stories and will be posting them once all the chapters are up so you can get some closure.
So without further ado, here are your additions for this week:
– Burn in Heaven #1 (Prologue – Chapter 4)
– Burn in Heaven #2 (Prologue & Part of Chapter 1)
– Secrets Kept (Prologue – Chapter 3)
– Mad World (Chapter 1-3)
In site news, I upgraded the hardware as promised last week and I’ve already noticed a great difference in speed and functionality so I hope you guys have as well. I’ve been working on cosmetic details — tidying up the story pages and the series pages. I’m still planning on moving some of the stories under the Completed pages to Short Stories due to length and word count, but that’s a future development.
You might notice the new floating social links on individual post pages. I’m not thrilled with it and might swap it out for something else.
Also, the server move last week enabled me to go back to the updates mailing list that worked so well when I first opened the site. That list was powered by a WordPress plugin that utilized too much of my shared hosting resources. With my own private server, I can use it again. That being said, some of the emails might have been lost so I emailed all the registered users over the weekend. You can subscribe in the top right hand sidebar — make sure your email is on the list!
I hope to post All I Want For Christmas and The Best Thing on schedule this week, but they may be a day or so late. Over the weekend, I completed outlines for Burn in Heaven and Mad World, which I’m super happy about. I’m writing The Best Thing and All We Are, but I’m trying to settle on my next project once they’re both finished. Finishing those outlines helps me visualize both stories better in order to pick one. I’ll see how I feel once I finish the outline for These Small Hours.
Oh, boy! I think this will be a great Christmas gift for you. I have found Secrets Kept! I hope the link will connect for you.
So yeah, I was banned from that site apparently. Weird. I remember being banned from a lot of places, but not Cheri’s site. I’ll go ahead and link it anyway the next time I update. Shame, I’d like to remember where she went with it.