Late Update on the Fourth!

Update: Warning Shots – Part 24

Happy Fourth of July to all that celebrate 🙂 I was hoping to get this out before the barbecue at my brother’s, but I overslept by A LOT, lol. I woke up at 7, and thought I’ll just relax a little bit longer, and then it was, like 9! Yikes! I have that class for my certification that I’m just a little behind in — just a day or two, and I had to prioritize it this morning.  I also got back to work on These Small Hours, cleaning up Chapters 1-10 with some dialogue edits and scene additions before I dive back into Chapter 11 tomorrow.

As I prep this update post, I have no idea how the scenes for  today’s Warning Shots are going to end, and I have nothing planned for tomorrow, lol, so if you  have thoughts on where I go next, please let me know! I have a final scene in mind for this story, but how we get there is a mystery.

Tomorrow will be at the 3PM hour. See you  then!


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