Your update link: Whatever It Takes, Part 13
Hey! I posted earlier with the monthly Site & Status update so apologizes for double posting today. As I said in that post, I’ve got a few things planned for the channel this month — all the videos for the first two weeks are filmed, edited, uploaded, AND scheduled. I mean, look at that productivity. Basically, I have two videos up today — the Site & Story status, a video about writing Mad World, and on Tues & Thurs over the next two weeks, deep dives into working on Fool Me Twice and its discovery process.
I know I’ve had some people tell me they don’t have time to watch the videos (which I totally understand!) and would love transcriptions. I’d love to be able to get to that point as well, but since I don’t write scripts, it means I’d have to transcribe after the fact. I’m not saying no — I’m saying not right now. What will I try to do is post here at CG with some text highlights to help give you guys more context. The videos are really great for *me* working through my process, and began as a way for me to keep in communication with you guys, so I’m going to try to find a way to make them more useful to my community.
In other news, I released the first chunk of Mad World to my Patreons this morning. They got about 250 pages, which is chapters 51-65. Tomorrow, they’ll get chapters 66-82, and sometime next week, the rest of the story. I finished chapter 84 yesterday and will be working on 85 today. That puts me at about August 6 to finish up (as I had hoped). That draft is available to the $3 and above tiers.
Today’s other video is Writing Mad World. It’s about 19 minutes, and I’m embedding it below with text highlights below. Let me know if the text highlights help!
- Writing Book 3 has been a struggle in a lot of ways but that I’m overall happy with it and I’m learning from this writing process.
- I need to think about why I write a story (what am I actually trying to say, why am I bothering?)
- What draws me to write the characters I write the most.
- Why Mad World has been a unique experience — the creation of a world that I get to continue. By book 3, I’m not rewriting a story anymore, I’m living in the world that I created.
- Brief rant about why I’ve never liked Ric.
- Writing Liason as a public couple is interesting — we never got to see that on the show.
- Books 1 and 2 were just easier to write because of the story in my head.
- Why fanfiction can be just as challenging as writing original fiction. Characters who feel like the ones you watch while living and reacting in a story that I’ve created.
- Mad World: The wrong starting point. The time jump idea was not a good idea, lol, and it’s messing with me. I get into the weeds a bit on why.
- Learning to respect feelings about why something isn’t working: is it the material or is it the energy I’m bringing to it.
- Wrong starting point really wasn’t giving Liz or Carly the space to confront, deal, AND resolve the trauma. It needed to breathe.
- Adding extra 15 chapters to the beginning.
- If I know things need to be added, do I do it now even it means going out of order or waiting for revisions?
- Why adding 15 chapters in the beginning, with a middle 17 chapters that used to be the beginning means some challenges in the revisions.
- Starting it in the wrong place was a huge mistake and it’s definitely a lesson I’m going to be taking into FMT — I get into that in a video I made for that story.
- Building stamina from writing 1k to 3k to 6-8k a day.
- Schedule in July — time lost.
- Getting into again — how I’m taking the lessons in writing Mad World to apply to the next project. I talk for a hot minute about the whole trilogy process and how starting points have always been an issue.
- Plans to check in more during revisions.
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