Your update link: Mad World – Chapter Forty-Eight
Only two chapters left — I can’t believe it! I might post those closer together, like Monday & Tuesday. Or just at the same time, because Chapter 50 isn’t quite as long as a typical chapter but longer than an epilogue.
Couple of things have happened since I updated on Monday morning. I’ve been working long-term at the high school in the district where I live, teaching Financial Literacy. That job was scheduled to come to a close on November 18, but this week, they offered me a position at the middle school, teaching English for the rest of the year. They’re desperate for someone to move over, so I’m actually leaving my current job four days early.
This means I’m trying to learn a whole new curriculum and meet another 60-70 new students this month. So much for a low-pressure November for NaNoWriMo, lol. But I’m excited for the challenge.
I was also supposed to have my wisdom teeth out today, but they cancelled my surgery at the last minute. This is is actually good news. I have more time for writing, for getting the house straightened up, and to learn that new curriculum. I reallllly want to do some flash fiction this weekend so hopefully I’ll be back.
For the record, you’re an absolute superstar.
Just FYI.
I’m just going to co-sign what EternalLiason said.