Update Link: Scars – Part 1
Happy Friday! Today, we’re starting a new Flash Fiction story, the sequel to Darkest Before the Dawn & Shot in the Dark. Scars takes place in 2016, three years later, and rewrites the Tom Baker storyline. Tania asked for the rewrite, but in order to set it in 2016, I had to do some things first. I thought about just making some of it backstoy we’d talk about, but as I planned it, I realized I wanted to write those parts of the story, LOL.
If you’re a Patreon supporter, I posted some opening scenes for Mad World and Broken Girl to get some thoughts about which story I should focus on. If I’m still undecided next week, I’ll post them here for general thoughts.
I hope you guys are having a great week! I’ll see you on Sunday for the next part of Signs of Life!
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