New Flash Fiction, Timeline Correction & Mad World news!

Your Update Link – CG Desperate Measures, Part 4

Sorry about the confusion yesterday — I made a timeline error in An Everlasting Love. Jason left town in 1868, and the story starts around 1875, which means it’s seven years after he left. Liz wrote him for two years, then married Cameron Lewis in 1870. Whatever made her stop writing happened five years ago. Cameron is not Jason’s son. I’m stating that now just because I don’t want it to distract you guys, lol.

The Flash Fiction is going to be a bit messy because I’m not going back rereading — so sometimes it might contradict itself. I try hard not to do that, but the whole point of this is to give me a first draft I can revise and clean up to post on the site as something more polished. Your feedback has been great so far, so thanks for letting me know where you’re confused or what you’re thinking might happen. I hope you’re enjoying the daily updates. Let me know if it’s too much and if I should scale back. (We’ll definitely be scaling back in August/September when I go back to work, just not sure how much at that point.)

Mad World continues to go really well — I broke the 35k mark this week and finished Chapter 6 yesterday. This means we’re firmly out of the Discovery phase, and the draft I’m writing is definitely going to be finished. I’m about 21% of the way to my 175k first draft goal. I’m hoping to pick up the pace and write more every day. I started small by trying to write 3 25 minute sprints each day and hit between 3-4k words. I managed that all week. Next, the goal is to add another 25 minute sprint and additional 1,000-1500k every day which means I can move into a chapter a day territory. Once I can get myself writing a chapter a day, the story really starts to move along.


  • Ha, I wondered about Camerons paternity. So, nice to know the facts. Good Luck with mad world, looking forward to it!

    According to Aradia5 on June 19, 2020
  • I figured from the first chapter that Cameron was not Jason’s but I’m still loving the pacing and questions that pop up for me and how you’re answering them little by little. I love that you’re adding new content daily. You are single handedly reviving my addiction, which GH practically killed. Thank you, hope you’re having as much fun writing as we are reading!

    According to jill on June 19, 2020