New Flash Fiction Update & Other News :)

Your Update Link: A Shot in the Dark – Part 3

Thank you so much for the response to Monday’s Flash Fiction update! I really thought that scene would be harder to write, but I was able to get everything in. I don’t write a lot of Brenda, and I tend to write her a bit more silly and comedic than I probably should, LOL.

I have a ton of channel updates coming this week — updates for Fool Me Twice and Mad World’s vlogs as well as a new Crimson Suds episode about Mike’s storyline (I’m actually watching a draft of it while I type this post so it might even be up later tonight).

I finished my read through of Book 3’s beta draft, and I’m happy to say that up until the last few chapters, I don’t need to do more than a lot of line editing. The final two chapters need a lot of work, which I figured since they were a late pull from Book 4’s draft and I was tired towards the end of the process. It was hard to know exactly what I’d need to do with those chapters since I hadn’t reread the whole thing in order since I started the draft.

So we remain on schedule for the October 6 release date, and I’ll have the first of your two preview chapters next Monday or Tuesday.

Book 4 is going to need more work than I thought it might, but I really don’t know just how much.

I’ll see you guys tomorrow with some channel updates, then on Friday with the next Flash Fiction!


  • You’re on a roll! I’m excited about all of your stories.

    According to arcoiris0502 on September 16, 2020