I took a lot of this week off, mostly due to a cold that disrupted my plans. But I slept in a lot, relaxed. I didn’t even work on the third paper that I need to finish for this semester. I’m trying to recharge.
One of the reasons my longer stories take so long to get to you guys is I’m trying to complete them in advance and go through beta reading, which is not something I ever did when I was writing a decade ago. In fact, back then, I had three or four stories in progress at all times which was sometimes a good thing, sometimes not. I still tended to write more.
So I’m going to start posting a second story — one that I don’t schedule regular updates. You guys will get updates when I write them, which means it may be a while between chapters or they may come daily, depending on the muse. I’m trying to take some pressure off myself.
This is an alternate universe story, a reworking of the Homecoming series from the Workshop. I’ve posted the prologue of Smoke and Mirrors, and hopefully it’s something you guys like.
I also did some housekeeping — updated the By Title page, added some missing stuff to Short Stories and Recent Updates, etc. So the site is current again. I hope to be back writing more regularly.
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