Update Link: Signs of Life Home | Chapters 1-8
Hello and welcome to the first update for Signs of Life since last February! I took a break to properly edit and revise the story, adding around 35k in additional material, including some really great Liason scenes I’m really proud of. Today, I reposted Chapters 1-8. There’s nothing new in these chapters, but I found a few extra typos and made some small edits to tighten and improve the material. The first new chapter posts on Thursday. I’ll do my best to mark which chapters have brand-new scenes.
The site itself is mostly ready, but it’s still bare bones. I ran out of time to finish it off, lol, but it should be done this weekend. There’s a few small design issues that are driving me crazy — I used a slightly different design, and it’s been a way since I played with the style sheet in my story theme. I don’t know why I thought this would be a good time, lol.
Anyway, check out the chapters and refresh yourself 🙂 See you on Thursday!
I’ve always loved this story. I can’t wait for the next update. Have you ever thought about using Sorel as a return story for Jason.? Maybe have the skeleton found and then someone connecting it to Jason and his hiding in Liz studio. Liz gets blamed and Jason returns. Maybe a marriage of convenience story.