Updated: Signs of Life – Chapter 27
Look at me updating on time, or mostly, lol. We had PSAT/SAT testing today, and my school made it a half day for the kids. They got to leave between 11-12 and the admin gave us the rest of the day as a teacher work day which was really nice. In my last district, they made the poor kids go to classes and kept them. Just exhausting for everyone. I had hall duty and had to wander for three hours, but from 11-3, I was able to just work in my room which was great. I got a lot done and feel pretty good about the next few weeks.
Now that things are back on track with work, I’m looking to get back into writing which I know I say a lot, but it’s hard to force yourself to add something to your routine when energy is low. But you have to force it a bit to make it part of the routine. I’m still exploring what time is right — at the last job, I used to do around 7 but I’ve been more tired. I still need a break when I get home, so I’m thinking more like 5-6? I’ll figure it out and play with a few times.
I wanted to use November as a break from FMT — because at the time, I thought I’d be writing more of FMT but then my shoulder got so much worse and I just couldn’t write at all. I’m contemplating doing both (hear me out — ) Doing a 25 min sprint on FMT and then doing the 1700ish goal on These Small Hours for NaNo. At least for a few days to see how it works out. I’ll keep you posted.
Anyway, let me finish this post so I can go write tonight and maybe finish a chapter.
I can’t wait but there is no chapter 27 on the link. Feel better soon and we can wait till you do. We all appreciate you and all the hard work you do with the stories, EBooks, etc
Ack fixed!