Update Link: Signs of Life – Chapter 3
Hope everyone had a great week. Things were absolutely insane literally from the moment the school week started. It was rotten luck that I got Covid the week before our NJHS induction ceremony — it’s the busiest week of the year in a normal school year but it also coincided with the end of the marking period and the full rotation turnover as I closed down three classes with 63 kids and prepped and met 65 new ones. Sooo I’m a bit tired, lol, and taking this weekend to rest and recharge.
I started doing writing sprints live on my Patreon last week, but I wasn’t able to get back to it this week with the craziness. That will start up again on Monday as I get back into the swing of things. I’m mostly recovered (there’s some lingering nasal congestion and fatigue but it’s already better than a few days ago) but things around me fell apart and I’m struggling to get the house back in order. Did a lot of work today and some last round of chores tomorrow, but we’re back on track.
I’m planning to have Flash Fiction tomorrow, but it will definitely be back next week for sure. Thanks for your patience as I worked through this rough month. 2023 is off to, uh, some kind of start. Let’s hope for a snow day on Tuesday (snow is forecasted, let’s goooo) because your girl needs a break.
I hope that you get that snow day this week because you need it. I’m glad that you’re feeling better.