Signs of Life Updated

Update Link: Signs of Life – Chapter 11

Hope you’re all having a good week! It’s Wednesday night, and I’ve completed my first two days. Not exactly sure how I feel, to be honest. My projector hasn’t worked which has limited my instruction — my French program relies on, you know, French audio and visuals. And even though I thought we’d agreed on a program for me to use with my class this year, my instructional supervisor is changing it AGAIN after I’ve started teaching, so I had to prep for a meeting tomorrow where I kindly tell her that she selected a Spanish program that’s comprehensive (but still has its defects because its assessments aren’t actually aligned with NJ standards), and its companion French program is, uh, trash.  The Spanish program has 27 units which sustains a middle school program and four years of high school. The French program has 9 units which is…one year. So how do I say “You’re an idiot” without saying it? That’s what you get when you buy curriculum from TeachersPayTeachers without researching it.  Still working on the diplomatic approach. I’ll let you know how that works out.

Anyway, the projector is supposed to be fixed, and I’m pretty sure my supervisor doesn’t actually know anything about French, so I’ll just do what I want and hope they appreciate it later. (Or that she agrees with me tomorrow). Anyway, hope you enjoy this update!

See you on Saturday for the next Flash Fiction update!


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