Status Changes and Whatnot

Hey! So by now, you’ve noticed that I didn’t update The Best Thing yesterday. I finished the last two chapters, but I’m waiting for Cora to get back to me — I asked her to rip it apart and suggest any changes. She’s worked almost as hard as I have on this story, and I want the ending of the story to be as good as the first thirty-two chapters.

I started graduate school about two weeks ago and I’m taking a full load of classes. Two graduate level History reading seminars with about two hundred pages each a week reading, an undergrad Macroeconomics course I need for my Social Studies certification, and two online teacher education classes. I’m also auditing an American history class to help me write my research paper next semester. I’m getting tired just thinking about it, haha. Oh, yeah, and I’m working three days a week 😛

This is exactly the adjustment period I had anticipated last fall had I started on time. I should be on a normal schedule and routine after this week. My Macro class is being graded completely on online tests and homework, and the teacher is useless so far, but I have to attend those classes. That looks like my best bet to get some writing done during the week.

The good news is that Bittersweet already has nine chapters completed. I still have some editing to do on them, some scenes to revise before I give them back to Cora, but at some point, I will have enough buffer and beta’d chapters to deliver the fresh content I promised.

I’m not thrilled with the header image, haha, and the pink hurts my head. But I’ve been playing around some of the other editing. I’ve made the story lists on pages like In Progress and the completed Alternate History and Universe pages. I plan to leave this layout up just through Valentine’s Day. Changing won’t be much of a problem. This layout is much easier to change.


  • This is going to be one heck of a semester for you! I’m glad its you and not me on that course(lol). I’m getting a Spring cleaning bug a little early and started tearing apart my craft room closet, etc. to make it more organized and supplies more accessible. Didn’t know I had so much! I’m getting excited to get back into my yarnwork, cross stitch, and quilting. Thanks for letting us in on your plans. Can hardly wait to see what you and Cora have in store for us!

    According to Carla on January 30, 2016
  • Melissa, you sound like you have a full plate. I love your stories, and I look forward to updates, but the bottom line is you are working toward a degree that will benefit you for the rest of your life. I will wait as long as I have to for updates, you do what you have to so that you get your degree and can teach.

    According to Jo-Ann on January 31, 2016
  • Good luck with everything. Sounds exciting. We’ll be here when the updates are . . . waiting with baited breath.

    According to Living LIason on February 2, 2016