Status Update

So I’m no going to pretend I’m not behind on my own visualized schedule for the month, ha. I haven’t even responded to emails from Cora much less done much writing. Not because I don’t want to, but I literally have not had the time, so to give myself some space and hopefully recharge without expectations, I’m declaring myself on hiatus until the end of June. I’ll post the end of Poisonous Dreams and Chapter 6 of The Best Thing at some point during the next two weeks, but I’m not sure when. I love you guys and look forward to getting myself back in gear 🙂


  • I really appreciate you taking the time to let us know what you are dealing with. I hope you can use what ever time necessary to get your ‘mojo’ back and relax. I look forward to hearing from you when you’re ready. PD and TBT will still be there waiting for you, and so will I.

    According to Carla(kcke2pen) on June 10, 2014
  • we can just have more to anticipate

    don’t stress yourself over us –you have a lot on your plate

    According to PAMELA HEDSTROM on June 11, 2014