On this, the anniversary of the day Jason and Elizabeth came crashing into our lives (August 27, 1999), I wanted to do a recap of what’s happened at CG this summer and what you can (firmly) expect from CG in the fall.
First a word on Liason
When Lucky died in that fire in April 1999, I was not yet an Elizabeth Fan the way I am now. I loved her, don’t get me wrong, but she wasn’t yet my favorite character on the show. I had watched Jonathan Jackson grow up on GH, and while I really really liked Liz when she first started, I probably paid her more attention because she was part of JJ’s group on screen. I liked her better than Sarah, and definitely wanted them together. Liz & Lucky were my first love, and it was so hard to let go of that. When they killed Lucky off, I was pretty inconsolable, and like Liz, I wasn’t really sure how to go on. (I was 14 and VERY dramatic.) Liz became my spirit animal and whatever she wanted, I wanted it for her.
Soap Opera Digest previewed the Jason and Liz scene from that August, and I remember rolling my eyes, because seriously? No one was ever going to replace Lucky. I didn’t really watch a lot of OG Liason because I went back to school, I was super busy with activities, and I tuned back in briefly the next summer only to learn that my beloved Lucky had been RUINED by Jacob Young. (I will NEVER forgive GH for casting him as Lucky.) I saw a few scenes with Jason and I was mildly intrigued, but then summer was over and I left GH behind again.
In the summer of 2002, I was recovering from foot surgery, and I watched Jason rescue Liz from the crypt. I watched their scenes, went to the web, found The Canvas, and because I was stuck in bed for a month, I devoured fanfiction. And I will say, my love for Liason began first as fanfiction, and then as I gradually watched clips and really got to experience 1999 and 2001, I fell in love. I started to write fanfiction that summer, and since then, no other couple has grabbed my attention.
I’m not really sure why this is the Liz pairing I’ve stuck with. I’ve liked her other pairings — I didn’t love Liz and Ric, but I liked the material it gave Liz. I loved Liz and Lucky with GV in the role, but I was okay with them exploding. I didn’t get into Niz because I was sorry that the lovely platonic friendship was lost. I loved Liz with Jake Doe, and I adored Liz and AJ.
But nothing has ever made me as happy or given me so much anxiety like Liason, and for me, the anniversary of falling in love with them happened last month with the sixteenth anniversary of the crypt rescue, but it’s hard to deny that August is a special month for our couple. So happy nineteenth anniversary and let’s hope our twentieth happens with our couple and GH still on screen next year.
On to Crimson Glass
Believe it or not, this was a very productive summer. I reorganized the Workshop and revived Flash Fiction, of which ten new entries have been posted. I also briefly brought back Bittersweet and wrote a new short story. For Camp NaNoWriMo, I wrote Mad World, Book 1.
Going forward, I have official posting dates for two of my projects: Mad World, Book 1, and Bittersweet‘s final eight chapters. On September 5, Bittersweet will return. I will be posting two chapters a week until it’s completion on October 1.
Also in September, I am participating in the GHWhoDunIt at The Liason Haven. On September 6, you will get the first part of a mystery, then guess the guilty party. On September 10, I will post the second part at the Haven. After that, the full story will be posted here.
And then on October 3, 2018, you will be getting Mad World, Book 1. I will be posting two chapters a week (Mondays & Wednesdays) which brings us into the first week of December. At that point, I’m hoping to start posting Book 2. I’m scheduled to finish writing that by the end of October, but if this graduate semester takes a lot more energy than I anticipate, we might push posting Book 2 back until January.
In November, I will start a new project for NaNoWriMo. You still have a chance to choose the project. I’ve posted seven options in a poll that will continue until September 15. At that point, the top two options will go into a run off until October 1. Right now, Signs of Life and Life for Rent are leading. In December, I will change gears and start writing Damaged, Season 3 which is scheduled to be posted in February 2019.
Starting today, synopses from Patreon are now posted as part of the poll, so if you’ve already voted and now want to change your vote, I think you can if you clear your cookies 😛
And along with those planned updates, I will continue with Flash Fiction a few times a week. I’ve tried to schedule them, but sometimes I get an extra 20 minutes so we go with it.
Starting September 5, you are guaranteed two updates a week for at least three months. I’m pretty excited about that because all of that content is ALREADY written. I’ve been trying to get myself into this position for years, and I finally got there. At least for now.
Thanks guys for sticking by me and thanks those of you who have supported Crimson Glass at Patreon. I’m glad that beta drafts of Mad World and Bittersweet were good rewards 🙂 If you can’t support the site, don’t worry. You support me every time you click and read something I write. Leave a comment to let me know–feedback is always the best way to show appreciation! There is no content at Patreon that will not be eventually posted here at Crimson Glass, so don’t worry about that.
Thanks for sticking it out for so long, and I’m glad that Fall 2018 is almost here! I’m so excited for you guys to read the rest of Bittersweet and Mad World!
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