Surprise Fiction Graveyard Entry!

So I’m working on my NaNoWriMo choices for a poll in October and trying to plan sample chapters. I’ve decided to invest in a full collection of all of 2006 from Stacey (CurlyQGrl) so I can better write my stories. I’m also going to get 2007, 2008, and maybe to go back one day and get 1996-99 because that was my favorite time period. But right now, I’m focusing on stories I planned using 2006 for NaNoWriMo.

This brought me to Fallen From Grace, a story I was writing in 2006-07 but abandoned because I couldn’t really decide on my endgame. I’m still thinking it through, but the version I wrote needs to be rewritten because I want to do something slightly different and pick a different pick up/starting point with the show.

So the original five chapters is being moved into Fiction Graveyard, along with a partially written Chapter Six, and a collection of four scenes I wrote from the end of the original plot sketch.

Warning: The part of the story I finished has Jason/Elizabeth scenes, but it leans more Patrick/Elizabeth. If you only read Liason stories, this might not be for you.

Fallen From Grace can now be found on the Fiction Graveyard. I hope you like it!


  • I wish I would have read this before reading what’s written of the story so far because I am a Liason fan and didn’t expect the “miscellaneous” scene with Liz choosing Patrick over Jason. Not an Electrick? fan. My mistake.

    According to Kentisha on August 15, 2018