Taking a break!

Hello šŸ™‚

I’m going to be taking this week off from updating Flash Fiction. I haven’t really slowed down since school let out on June 13. As you know, I went straight into writing curriculum, completing 52 hours between June 14-June 30 in addition to prepping, then teaching summer school. I’m also finishing up an online class I need for my French teaching certification.

I was doing okay, but I really just hit a wall last week and struggled to get anything written or edited. I couldn’t even focus on my coursework. I really need to let my brain rest. Summer school ends this week (on Wednesday!) and the final three days are already prepped and scheduled. This is the last week for coursework for that class, and my final projects are about 2/3 finished (and I have until August 11 for the piece that’s the furthest away).

I’ll return for the final month of my summer break (Jul 29 – August 25) with regular Mon/Wed/Fri updates for both flash fictions. Chain Reaction during the weeks of Jul 29 & 12, and Warning Shots the week of August 5 & 19.

In other writing news, I’m planning to splitĀ These Small Hours into two releases. Not two books, lol, but two releases. It’s a super long book (we’re looking at around 60 chapters). Part 1 will be Chapters 1-32, and Part 2 will be Chapters 33 – Epilogue. Right now, I’m planning to spend this week finishing up the long overdue process of mapping out the second half of the edits and figuring out how many chapters I need.

I’m hoping to have Part 1 ready for release by mid-September, then Part 2 in mid-October. I’ll know more about those dates when I come back next week.

While you’re waiting for me to return, make sure you’ve checked out the Recent Updates page which has everything I’ve completed in 2024 (and it’s a lot!). Catch up with Chain Reaction and Warning Shots or check out my Crimson Swift collection. I’ve releasedĀ folklore as well as two singles fromĀ evermore (“no body, no crime“) andĀ Red (“The Last Time“). Oh! And I published an entire novel: Fool Me Twice, Book 2.

If you’re looking for something new to read, check out my rewrite of 2002, Bittersweet, or rewrite of 2006, For the Broken Girl. There’s plenty to tide you over until next Monday.


  • I think you’re amazing! I’m exhausted by just reading what you have done while teaching summer school and your class. Lol. I want to take a nap after all that. You so deserve a break. You have plenty written to keep us occupied.

    According to arcoiris0502 on July 21, 2024
  • Absolutely, take a break! You are such a giving writer. Nobody wants you running on empty. Take care, enjoy some downtime. You deserve it!

    According to Jill on July 21, 2024
  • You’ve fed us so well the year. You have more than earned a break. We can all go reread our favs while you recharge.

    According to Beth on July 21, 2024
  • Don’t push! Take the time you need even if it’s longer than you expected or told us! Don’t make me hunt you down. šŸ˜‰ lol

    According to Angela on July 21, 2024