I updated The Best Thing, Chapter 32 today, and barring any crazy rewrites that might be needed on the final two chapters (I’m expecting to have to redo a few scenes, maybe add some more) we’ll be wrapping this up on February 5, 2016 or maybe a week or so later.
At the moment, Bittersweet has eight chapters that are with Cora, but obviously our priority has been to finish up The Best Thing. I myself have made some changes to the first eight chapters, I’m waiting to hear her take on my first eight. I’ve started writing the next part of the story. I hope to have Bittersweet midway through February, but I’d rather push it to March and make sure that you guys get the best version of this story possible.
Damaged is still scheduled to come back in March, but it depends on how the next few weeks ago. I’ve started graduate school this week and it’s going to be another week or so before I’m able to really get an idea of how much time that’s going to take between attending classes and doing the work. My plan is for you guys to have new content every week, but I may miss one or two here and there. When I constructed that schedule, I really didn’t think I’d have bronchitis for the better part of December and January. Even now, it’s lingering and sucking my energy up.
I hope you guys enjoy this turn in The Best Thing. Super excited for you guys to finally see the end of the story. I hope to have the ebook giveaway up before the end of the story, but I will definitely be posting the various outlines so you can see just how different this story turned out.
See you guys next week!
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