Update Link: Scars – Part 11
I hope every had a nice Thanksgiving dinner! We ate late because my brother-in-law had the day shift at his refinery, so I got a lot done before I drove down to my parents. I rearranged my desk to give myself a different angle while writing, and so far, so good.
I almost skipped Flash Fiction this morning, honestly, lol. I started playing The Sims 4 for the first time in like a month. I honestly haven’t had the time or energy. But here we are 🙂 NaNoWriMo writing is going well. I broke 40k yesterday, so I’ll probably be fine to finish up by Tuesday and the deadline.
I know this flash fic has been on a slow build, but I really wanted to establish this universe, the relationships before we dig into the rest of it. The next two weeks are going to pour gasoline on all of this.
See you guys tomorrow!
This is my favorite holiday because of all the family time. All of my siblings were home. I’m happy to know that you got a lot done.