These Small Hours!

Update Link: These Small Hours, Book 1: Undone

Hey! Sorry about not updating Flash Fiction basically since going back to work. September’s been pretty rough, and I really thought I’d be able to get to it on Friday, but I seriously overestimated my energy levels.

Anyway, I dropped a whole book this week so hopefully you guys were all busy reading that and didn’t even notice Flash being gone. I’ll be diving into Book 2 starting Monday and I’ll see you guys on Thursday, the next Phillies’ off day for a Flash Fic update.


  • Not gonna lie . . . working the election so not enough time to dig into the whole book, which means I definitely noticed the lack of Flash Fiction – but mostly it had me concerned that you were taking Sasha’s loss super hard, which I’m sure it is. Sending you lots of love, comfort and strength. And, just letting you know – I always notice your absence. Not just because I’m a greedy reader (a well-established fact) but because I worry for you too.

    Now – don’t forget to vote and tell people you know to vote – especially if you know people in PA who will vote Blue, so we can save our democracy.

    According to Living Liason on September 22, 2024