These Small Hours Chapter 1 Preview!

Update Link: These Small Hours – Chapter 1

Hey! I’m going to have to move Flash Fiction to Sunday or maybe skip it all together. Back in May, I got the opportunity to participate in feedback sessions with the company that develops my French program at school. At first it was just about their digital tools, but the presenter liked me so much that she’s inviting me back to another round of feedback about lesson plan creation. I get paid $25 for each session, so it’s totally worth it to have input on the development of future content in my subject 🙂

Anyway, it’s scheduled for today at 11, and I really didn’t have any choice because I am back to work on Monday, 8-3 all next week (save Friday).

SO! Just in case I don’t make it back on Sunday, I am posting the first chapter of These Small Hours! This is from Book 1, out on September 17. If you’ve read any of the story in the bonus chapters I’ve posted previous, I rewrote the entire first half of the book. (My original Chapters 1-16 became Chapters 1-32, lol). This was a last-minute decision, so I didn’t get a chance to finish the subsite.

Please let me know what you think, and I’ll see you as soon as possible, either Sunday or Monday.


  • What a great opportunity!! Enjoy!

    According to arcoiris0502 on August 23, 2024