This Day Is Stupid

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 24

Happy Friday to some people, I guess, lol. Uh, politics are stupid mostly because people are mad both guys running are too old, but you know only one of them is a fascist rapist convicted of multiple felonies, so why anyone’s acting like there’s a choice isn’t that fun. Soap Twitter is mildly better though — the JJ discourse has calmed down. Michael Easton finally left so the unholy duo of OLTL pets have finally exited the building. We get rid of Frank, it’s a clean sweep but well, nothing on that yet. There’s a Jason/Carly fight in the previews, and there’s spoilers that it’s vicious, friend-ending so I’m praying that comes through because that will feed the timeline for DAYS. And, well, if you’re a Phillies fan reading this before the game tonight, you know we don’t know how Kyle Schwarber and Bryce Harper are yet. Both might be down with injuries, so Phillies twitter has lost their everloving minds.


Curriculum is finally done! I finished my last hours this morning, and I’m in an amazing place for next year. Lesson plans are complete for French II, and I’ve written the first 60ish days for French I. All that’s left is creating the content, and I can do that at a normal pace the rest of the summer. I can’t wait to see how this level of preparation helps with managing my time better. I also have my content prepped for the rest of summer school, so that’s pretty awesome. I did my summer budget and I won’t have to survive on cereal in September like last year 😛

This weekend, I’m diving back into These Small Hours with a hope to have an update before the end of the month for my Patreons. I was spending 5-7 hours a day on curriculum, so even taking 3 of those for writing is going to be awesome. I appreciate everyone’s patience on that.

I hope you guys are enjoying the alternating weeks of Flash Fiction. I think it lets me build momentum in writing and plan really evil cliffhangers each Friday, so I hope you’re feeling the benefit in reading one story at a time and switching back and forth.

See you tomorrow! I *think* it’ll be around the same time. It should be up by 4 when the Phillies play.


  • I totally agree with your political comments. I can’t believe that this is our country’s best choices.
    You’re amazing! I’m thinking your school year is going to fly by with all of your preparation this summer. Kudos to you!! Your kids are going to benefit from all of your planning.

    According to arcoiris0502 on June 28, 2024