Turning Points Updated/Minor Stuff

So first, I updated the Choose Your Adventure type story, Turning Points, with Part 5. Please head over to read the story and then answer the questions to choose what happens next. I take the most fun or most challenging suggestions.

On this site, I didn’t get much feature work changed. I finished the two sort by archives I’ve been trying to figure out for ages, and I’m pleased with these versions of them. You can now sort my stories by couple or by character. If a couple is in a story, however, they don’t show up separately in the character section.

For example, for Noel, the story shows up in Jason and Elizabeth’s character sections, but not in their couple section since they’re not a romantic pairing in that story.

I’m going to add a sort by year written section, and possible a sort by year set at some point.

I hope we’ve got the mess sorted out with registration. Please don’t hestitate to comment on this page or contact me in anyway if you have questions!

I’m working on the media section — but I can’t figure out how to get my Spotify playlist for Crimson Glass to show more than 200 songs. There are 521 songs on the song. You could follow the playlist on Spotify, if you have it.

Crimson Glass

I’m working on The Best Thing this weekend. I’ll be putting the finishing touches on the outline by Sunday, storyboarding all week and then digging in after that. I may start writing earlier. I woke up in the middle of the night last night because I had a line in my head that I couldn’t lose, so I jotted it down really quick. Haha

But now I’m heading out to dinner with friends and our visitor from NJ.


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