
I started watching General Hospital in the early 1990s along side my mother, who had been watching it since the 1970s. It’s a family tradition that includes my grandmother, myself, my mother and my aunt. Through watching this show, I’ve met a ton of amazing friends and written quite a lot of fanfiction, most of which was lost years ago in a server crash. That being said, I’m moving  my fanfiction to this address to keep my projects under one domain. I started writing fanfiction in 1998 for fun, and opened Crimson Glass in 2002. It’s existed continuously at various addresses and under various names for the last twelve years. Though I haven’t actively written in quite some time, this archive contains a great deal of completed fiction as well what still remains on my drawing board.

I hope to have this archive completed relatively soon to make life much easier for myself. So far, I’m working on the administrative details, in getting functions and features working before moving over the stories, which will be edited as they get moved for typos and continuity.


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