Nothing like constantly opening up your writing projects only to close them after almost an hour of nothing that you want to show the rest of the world.
So I’m going through a bit of a dry spell, so to speak. I get moments where I feell good about writing, but they’re small and few between lately. Inspiration is easy, it’s translating my thoughts from outline to prose.
I’m not sure what it is or why I’ve been having trouble the last few weeks, but this is just a note to let you guys knowt that updates are going to slow down for a while. Damaged is not back on hiatus, just slowing down a bit. I don’t want to start posting in the new format until I have several episodes ready to go. I have two more chapters of All We Are ready to go and will be posted this week and next. After that? It’s really up in the air.
I’m going to keep opening my writing projects and hoping for the best, but I’m not going to promise anything.
I’ve wondered how you are able to maintain your writing pace. Every writer hits slumps; nothing to worry about there. A friend who is a bestselling author says it’s good to put yourself in front of your computer every day and write something, even if you don’t save it. One day it’s there again.
We’ll be waiting, whenever you’re ready.
We will wait. You will get your mojo back
try some mental health days– we will wait whenever you come back