January 29, 2014

Prompt: Coffee, tea, or me


Elizabeth Webber shoved the coffee pot into its place and glared at nothing in particular. After an entire day of working, she was more than ready to call it a night and sleep for a week. She hated this job and she hated Port Charles. She should have never moved here. What had she been thinking? Trying to connect to a sister and grandmother who quite clearly didn’t want her here?

She checked the clock. Ten minutes until closing. She could do this. The diner was nearly empty anyway. A couple in one corner and one man—drinking coffee in the courtyard.

She bypassed the couple–she was in no mood to deal with young love–and breezed out of the doors—in time to see the explosion.

The man drinking coffee in the courtyard had been alone when Elizabeth had served him. Now, a brunette was sitting across from him and a blonde was in the brunette’s face. Both were arguing bitterly and the man seemed to content to let them kill each other.

Elizabeth almost walked back in–but she found herself curious. The trio hadn’t noticed her appearance, so she crossed her arms and leaned back to enjoy the drama.

She learned the brunette was Robin, the blonde Carly and the man Jason. The blonde seemed to be blunt, bordering on the crude while Robin the brunette was sweetly cutting. Every word that came out of her mouth could be interpreted about a dozen ways. The man, Jason, wasn’t speaking at all. In fact, he seemed to be ignoring their presence.

Elizabeth discovered that Jason had been in relationships with both of them at one point or another. He had a son with Carly and had broken up with both of them–which meant he was single, Elizabeth decided, looking over the muscular blonde Adonis. Not a bad thing.

Robin accused Carly of wrecking her life and anyone else’s that came along while Carly accused her of betraying Jason. Robin said something along the lines of Carly being a slut which Carly laughed off.

Elizabeth arched an eyebrow as Robin called Carly insane and was pleasantly surprised when Robin brought up the son that apparently wasn’t Jason’s after all. Just as Robin finished telling Carly that she should take her son and leave town, Jason suddenly sat forward.

He told Robin in no certain terms that she was never to mention Michael’s name again. Carly smiled gleefully until Jason turned to her and told her to go home to Sonny. Robin stood and left, throwing a hurt glance towards Jason. Carly seemed to back off after the Sonny comment and left.

Amused, Elizabeth came forward with the coffee pot. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

“No.” Jason looked up. “How long were you standing there?”

“I came out just as Carly showed up,” Elizabeth replied. She pulled out her order pad and scribbled the amount. “Sounds like you have your hands full.” She put the check in the table. “You ever get them squared away? Give me a call.” She grinned at him and headed back into Kelly’s, her cell phone number in a circle underneath the amount of his check.

January 27, 2014


This was a challenge from The Canvas, issued in early September. I’m so sorry that I can’t remember the username right now — I only remember that they wrote fanfiction I liked, lol. They wanted a montage like the good old days in the late 1990s and they specifically wanted the timestamps. This was right around the time Kelly Clarkson won the first season of American Idol, and I’d heard this song on the radio while driving to class.



This is set in September 2002, after Sonny faked his death, and Jason wasn’t coming home to the penthouse often. The story also features Carly and Sonny, AJ and Courtney, and Skye and Jax.

What if I told you
It was all meant to be
Would you believe me
Would you agree

Carly enters the room of the safe house. Her hand flies to her mouth as she sees Sonny standing before her. Tears fill her eyes as she drinks in the sight she thought she’d never see again.

It’s almost that feelin’
That we’ve met before
So tell me that you don’t think I’m crazy
When I tell you love has come here and now

AJ unlocks the door to the apartment and enters. He closes it behind him and turns to see the apartment decorated in candles. Courtney is leaning against their dining table, smiling. AJ closes his eyes and thanks whatever miracle brought him here.

A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this
Some people search forever
For that one special kiss

Skye’s eyes drift open and she looks over at Jax sleeping next to her. She can hear another storm raging outside—and she’s so thankful that she’s here, safe from her own personal thunder and rain.

Oh, I can’t believe it’s happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this

Jason rubs his eyes as he enters the penthouse. He’d just dropped Carly off with Sonny—and he wasn’t looking forward to this moment. He spies Elizabeth sitting on the couch, wrapped in an afghan. A weak smile graces his face as he realizes she fell asleep sitting up, waiting for him.

Everything changes
But beauty remains
Something so tender
I can’t explain

Carly hesitates only a moment before throwing herself into Sonny’s arms. She clings to him, the tears she’d tried to desperately to hide spilling down her cheeks. Sonny wraps his arms tightly around her and hopes she’ll understand why he did this.

Well I may be dreamin
But still lie awake
Can we make this dream last forever
And I’ll cherish all the love we share

Courtney takes a short step from the table. AJ drops his keys next to the door and closes the rest of the distance. He touches her face, amazed at this beautiful woman who’s made his life worth living again.

A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this
Some people search forever
For that one special kiss
I can’t believe it’s happening to me
Some people wait a life time
For a moment like this

Skye tightens her grip on Jax and sighs. She’d be willing to elope tonight if he would let her. All she wanted to do was spend the rest of her life proving to him that trusting her again would not be a mistake.

Could this be the reign of love above
I wanna know that you will catch me when I fall

Jason crouches next to Elizabeth. Her head is resting on the armrest and her face is scrunched up. He knows he should go upstairs and not touch her but he can’t resist brushing a piece of hair out of her face.

So let me tell you this
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this

Carly pulls away from Sonny and stares at him for a second. She shocks them both by slapping him—the sound echoing in the nearly empty room. She throws her arms around him all over again.

Some people spend two lifetimes
For a moment like this
Some people search forever

The dinner forgotten, AJ and Courtney are dancing to music only they can hear. He’s holding so tightly—he’s afraid that he ever lets go, she disappear like the angel that she is. He leans in to kiss her, relishing that for one moment in his life, it’s perfect.

For that one special kiss
Oh I can’t believe it’s happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime

Jax opens his eyes to look at Skye sleeping peacefully. Some might say he was justifiably insane for accepting her back in his life—but he couldn’t honestly imagine his life without the fiery redhead that made everything worth it.

For a moment like this

Elizabeth opens her eyes sleepily and smiles. Jason is home—he’s safe. “Hi,” she whispers. “I made you a sandwich—it’s in the fridge.” He stares at her, his blue eyes filled with emotion. Elizabeth notices his hair is wet and runs her hand through it. “You’ll catch a cold.” He clasps her hand as it traces his jaw and presses a soft kiss to her palm.

Oh, like this
Some people search forever oh yeah

Carly kisses Sonny passionately—scared to death that that he’ll disappear. She can’t quite believe he’s here with her. She just buried him—and now she’s standing here, with him. His warm body pressed against hers—Carly was floating and never wanted to come down.

Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment

Jason released her hand and moves to stand. She reaches out both hands and grasps his shoulders to keep him at eye level. “I’m glad you’re home.” Home. A foreign concept to Jason that he thinks might get used to.

“I had someone to come home to,” Jason whispers, touching her face. She smiles. And for one brief moment in his constantly changing and moving world—for this moment—he lets himself love her.

Like this


This was written after Sonny had faked his death in early September 2002. It was quickly apparent that Elizabeth didn’t know he was alive, and that Jason was unhappy to be lying to her. I heard this song by Corey Taylor and it just put me into the mind of Jason and how I thought he must be feeling. It remains one of my all-time favorite songs.


In September 2002, Sonny faked his death to throw off Luis Alcazar who had ordered Roy DiLucca to carry out the hit. He shot Sonny to death outside of St. Timothy’s (Or Queen of Angels, I can never remember which church is which), the same church where Sonny left Brenda at the altar. Jason found Brenda there and got her away. Later, we learned that Elizabeth was not brought into the plan, despite living with Jason at the penthouse and their conversation about wanting to be together.

This particular story is an episode tag — Elizabeth has just heard about Sonny’s death, opened the penthouse door, and found Courtney hugging Jason.

Wish I was too dead to cry
My self-affliction fades
Stones to throw at my creator
Masochists to which
I cater

His hand pauses at the penthouse door. Jason knows once he opens it, there’s no turning back. He walks in—Elizabeth will have heard the news of Sonny’s death. She’ll try to comfort him.

And he’ll have to lie to her.

You don’t need to bother
I don’t need to be
I’ll keep slipping farther
But once I hold on
I won’t let go ’til it bleeds

Elizabeth sits on the other side of the door. She is staring into space—a plate of brownies still in her hand. She doesn’t know why she made them—brownies would never make up for Carly’s loss. Maybe making the brownies is a way for Elizabeth to feel useful.

She tries to remain calm and rational. Courtney is—was—Sonny’s sister. She’s probably upset, Elizabeth tells herself. She ran into Jason and he was comforting her. Jason is a good person—he’d never let anyone sit and cry.

Wish I was too dead to care
If indeed I cared at all
Never had a voice to protest
So you fed me shit to digest

Jason’s hand falls away from the knob. He promised her once he’d be honest with her—and he doesn’t want to break that promise. But he doesn’t see how it would be possible to keep that promise to Elizabeth and remain loyal to Sonny’s wishes.

And Sonny’s wishes were clear. Only Carly. And only after the funeral. Jason doesn’t agree—he saw Carly just a few moments ago. She’s barely holding it together. Jason takes a deep breath and turns the knob.

I wish I had a reason
My flaws are open season
For this, I gave up trying
One good turn deserves my dying

He enters and frowns as he sees Elizabeth sitting on the couch, a plate of brownies in her hand. She’s not eating them—she’s staring into space. At the sound of his entry, her head snaps to him. The plate clatters to the floor as she jumps up and practically throws herself into his arms.

“I’m so glad you’re okay!” she whispers. She decides to forget what she saw in the hallway. She trusts Jason and she trusts Courtney. “I’m so sorry about Sonny.”

You don’t need to bother
I don’t need to be
I’ll keep slipping farther
But once I hold on
I won’t let go ’til it bleeds

Jason tenses at the mention of Sonny. For one brief second, he allowed himself to forget that he was keeping this from her—that he was allowing her to grieve someone she cared about—and he didn’t want her false comfort. Because he thought that might make it worse.

Elizabeth feels him tense and pulls away. Something’s not right. He’s not looking at her and his arms fall away from her. She takes a step back and studies him. She decides something is definitely off. He’s sad—but she senses it’s not for Sonny.

Wish I’d died instead of lived
A zombie hides my face
Shell forgotten
With its memories
Diaries left
With cryptic entries

“Jason—” she begins.

“I just came to let you know I was all right,” he cuts in, not wanting to hear her say she was sorry again or to ask how he was. Because he’s afraid that if she asks, he might tell her.

And that he might go against Sonny without even thinking about it is a terrifying idea that he doesn’t want to have think about it right now.

Because he realizes now that he can’t lie to her. Just as he can read her eyes, she can read his. And somehow, she’d see the truth. And she’ll try to find out.

And then Jason would really have to lie to her then.

And you don’t need to bother
I don’t need to be
I’ll keep slipping farther
But once I hold on
I won’t let go ’til it bleeds

He heads towards the steps, head down. He’s hurting her and he knows it. He’s already broke the promise that seemed important to Elizabeth. But he also knows lying is much worse—after Sarah and Lucky, he desperately didn’t want to be the next person who lied.

But he’s also not telling her the truth—and he knows she’ll consider that a lie. And when found out, Jason knows there’s a very good possibility she’d walk out that door and never look back.

Part of Jason realizes that would be the best thing. She’d be safe—and he’d be safe too. But a much larger and dominant part of Jason realizes that if she walked out that door, part of him would too. And somehow, he has a feeling that he might not be able to handle that.

So Jason will be selfish—he won’t tell her the truth. He’ll have faith that Elizabeth will trust him—trust that he wanted to tell her, but couldn’t. And the first chance he got, he would tell her so. That he’d hurt to her so he wouldn’t have to lie. And she might forgive that.

You don’t need to bother
I don’t need to be
I’ll keep slipping farther
But once I hold on
I’ll never live down my deceit

But Jason would never forgive himself for walking up the stairs from the woman he loved—who only wanted to comfort him and be there for him.

And somehow, the idea that someone would want to…is harder to accept that the idea that he had to lie.